Check these bags out ! Crazy idea to even come up with dont you think ? Jewelry art reflects its day and age. I like the acrylic bags by dutch designer Ted Noten. They were created in '04 -'07. I found some of Ted Noten's design online and i noticed that he definitely designs crazy, high-profile work and he loves to be different as you can tell. From what I read, prior to all this he worked with ceramics. He had made a cool chewing gum design called "chew your own brooch". This Amsterdam designer creates all kinds of different pieces including pearl adorned mice, pill-shaped wedding rings that are swallowed rather than worn, brooches made from a cut-up Mercedes-Benz and animals cast in acrylic handbags. As his manifesto declares: "Jewelry must be shamelessly curious." Oh how much I agree with that statement ! Check out his other ideas below: